Saturday, December 31, 2011

Are you happy?

These days Gianna keeps a check on mommy’s mood by asking -”mumma, are you happy?” If the answer is a “YES”, then everything is fine, but if mommy’s answer is a “NO”, then there is a problem! She is smart enough to ask this question especially, when she does not eat properly, or do something naughty, or when I am doing some work very seriously, or when I am really sad.
Here’s how a conversation usually begins & ends-
Gianna- “Mumma, are you happy?”
Gianna- “Mumma, are you sad?”
Gianna- “Happy please! I am sorry and I will not do it again (She thinks that mommy always gets upset because of her.)”
Mumma- All smiling
Mumma’s worries take a back seat with all this conversation and Gianna gets a bear hug from mumma.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Jingle bells Rock!

Sweetness lies in its name! Just by the mentioning of “Christmas”, all fond memories become alive - presents, Santa, stories, candies, and a Christmas tree! Today is Christmas Eve and I am looking at Gianna who is carrying a red sock all over in the house and waiting for Santa to put in a present for her.
“Mumma, I want 100 presents” says my 3 year old girl who is eagerly waiting for Santa. Like all kids of her age, she also believes that Santa will come to her home at Christmas night time riding on the sleigh pulled by the reindeers. Gianna wakes up in the morning and after she finishes breakfast, we tell her to go and find out what surprise Santa kept for her? Hurriedly, she rushed into the room and found her favorite lollipops and a pair of crocs in the sock.
Thank you so much Santa! You indeed know how to bring a big smile on my princess’s face!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday to you, my sweetheart!

TIME, I want to hug you! I want to hold you tight! You are flying so fast! Gianna turns 3 today on 12-12-2011. These 3 years went by with great satisfaction, happiness, joys along with some tears & pain. My girl is now three. I still remember the day she was born as if it was just yesterday. Those inquisitive eyes moving everywhere and meeting new world in front of her!

Today, I breathe in pride, contentment and gratification. Every moment says thanks to the omnipresent God for blessing us with Gianna. I ask myself “Why am I so happy today?” and then, I tell it to myself that “some days do make difference in our lives”. Gianna is very special to me from other kids but then every parent feels this for his/her child. So, I am no different if I feel this way :-).

Gianna, mumma-papa wishes you your wellbeing and a very happy birthday! May you become the good human being in life! Amen!