Sunday, June 30, 2013

Gianna & Rhea with Mausi Dadi & Karan Chachu

Shobhit’s mausi visited us this summer with her son. Gianna was very excited to welcome them because she met them after two years. We all had a good three days time spent eating, talking, and relaxing. Gianna spent most of her time playing bubbles, reading books and pichkari (splasher) with her mausi-dadi. 

Grandparents never want their grandchildren to get scolding from anyone, and so, Gianna enjoyed those days as a queen of the house, eating in tit-bits, not going to school, sleeping late than usual and doing whatever she wanted to.

The pictures I am posting below will say it all.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Pooja mausi & Cherayu mausajis wedding

This was a long awaited break for all four of us. We were travelling to Greensboro for the wedding. There was so much to celebrate for- my best friend Pooja’s wedding, recovery of my mother from a long time illness, and meeting my two of closest buddies after long time.

It also happened to be the very first flight trip for our Rhea. She did not trouble us at all and was asleep most of the time on the plane, she felt extremely exhausted after coming home though.

Gianna was excited to meet her Pooju masi and Deepika masi. Gianna & Rhea met two of her mamas for the first time- Girik mama and Nitin mama who pampered them with colors, drawing book, M&Ms, and iPad games.  Pooja’s mom reminded Gianna of her real nani and Gianna hugged her twice to show her love. Gianna also danced with her dad on the dance floor.

Overall it was a fun filled trip for all of us..!!