I have always had an inclination for drawing/painting and would be most happy to see such artistic bend in Gianna. She seemed to have little interest in drawing or coloring in the last three years, however, her participation in scribbling with crayons and water colors has increased in the last few weeks.
As now she knows the basic shapes by their names and tries to draw them on paper, she loves to make a happy face, a sad face, a flower, a circle with some dots within is a cookie or a potato, a circle with a few lines coming out becomes her Incy-wincy spider and she arranges her wooden blocks to make alphabets like L, J, A, C, & I. She tells us to draw different cartoon characters on her magnetic board. I feel happy to see Gianna’s growing interest in art and glad to see her own way of imagining and believing about the things around her. Proud of you, my girl !!
she is getting big real soon... n love the way kids imagine their own lil world.. do post her painting pics too would love to see her imaginations..