It is surprisingly true that Gianna took two weeks (only) to start feeling good about her school as compared to what the teachers have told me (about 4weeks). In the beginning, each day passed by in much of thinking, anticipation, headaches, tears and what not! Whenever I used to give Gianna a bath, she would get the clue that it was time for her to go to school. With tears in her eyes she would say “mumma godi le-lega” (mumma, please take me in your lap). It was very difficult for me to see her doing like that. Gianna was so scared that she used to wake up during the nights crying “mumma godi le-lega”. It had never happened before! She never woke up before in sleep and cried for something like that. Keeping my patience, conversing with ma & papa, and some hope by my side all that time has helped me a lot to go along with the flow of those troublesome days.
The day was such a big relief for me when I learnt that she was happy to get dressed up for school. I must say that making her belief that ‘school time is fun time’ was not at all easy for me as it happens with most of the parents. It took us a while to explain her about how everyone goes to school without his/her parents. What helped us the most was the idea of telling & showing her the examples of her favorite cartoon characters like Dora, Olivia, & Little Bill who go to their respective schools without their mommy-papa and enjoy those hours with friends, teachers, doing activities and playing on the slides. Another thing that Gianna has understood now, is the fact, that her mumma is going to come back to pick her up without any fail.
After two weeks, there was a “Parent Meet” in the school, where the children were supposed to make their parents tour their classroom and show them the kind of activities they do there. I was happy to see how Gianna behaved and what all she showed me during all that time.
dude i am starting Aurell's day care from next monday only once a week but me n sanju are already a bit jittery n worried if she'll be fine n will like it.. will they take care of her n feed her well.. god i know what u must have been through