Summers: ‘perfect’ sunny days for Gianna. By perfect I mean cool shakes & flavored yogurts, countless hours of outdoor plays, sweating, playing & bathing in cold water. Gianna beats the heat by her favorite cool drinks. Day time is spent indoor playing with her toys, coloring, watching tv, seeing me cooking.

She waits eagerly for the evening and tries to finish off her meal on time because she knows that it’s going to be her play time outside with her friends. She runs around one big tree which stands tall in the playground. She likes to catch the bubbles and kick the ball.

Gianna tried her hands first time at water colors yesterday. It was interesting to see, that in no time she became very much involved with colors. She came to me and said “mumma Rapunzel bhi colors karta hai”.

This made me believed that children fancy everything that their favorite characters do either in reel life or in a real life (Gianna has been in love with this enchanted movie “Tangled” and very much cherishes the characters of Flynn Rider, Rapunzel, Maximus, & Pascal. She gets fascinated every time by the sight of Rapunzel coloring and painting the walls in her house). Gianna is so fond of this tale that she wants to listen to its story from her popsy or mumzy. (BTW, that’s her new way of addressing her papa and mumma.)

Gianna has always been fussy about food. She still has a much selected menu for everyday. Crispy food items have always been a preference over soft foods. There is one food item that she has been in love with since the age of two and it is - peanuts. They are her favorite snack. She always wants to eat handful of them before going to bed.
wow so she is full on loving the summers... outdoors is always more fun... popsy n mumzy damm cute where did she pik that up from..? so sorry for my late reading had been so busy with aurell.. so wish i coud start writing for her too as im sure gianna is going to cherish these blogs when she grows up..