Gianna had a great time with her grandparents during their stay for almost three months with us here in New Jersey. If she has some memorable moments with her dadaji (like sleeping in his lap, playing with him, listening to bhajans, learning some new words from him and many more),
she has some cherishable ones with her dadi too ( like talking to her, playing hide and seek with her and many more).
She would call them dada-‘ee’ ( to dada ‘ji’ ) and daa—di. She wud sleep cozily with her dadaji during the afternoons. Gianna and her dadi were two kids together :-) . They would run around in the house, give food to the birds, play “jhulla-jhulla” on her lap and play peek-a-boo.
She is surely going to miss them a lot when they return to India.
awwwww im sure she will.. n more than het they;ll miss her like hell...