For the first time, she was going to be away from me for three long hours. Anxiousness prevailed in my mind. We both had never been away from each other for this long. I was afraid because I knew that it would be really difficult for BOTH OF US;
For Gianna - to accept the fact that she has to go to a new environment without her mommy;
For me - that she was going to cry for me without me around.
And my fear turned true! Gianna walked into the classroom with a belief that we would be following her. She waited inside the class for few minutes and was startled when her teacher closed the door. She started crying on top of her voice, “open the door, I want to be with mumma-papa”. It was not easy for me too. I couldn’t take it. I walked outside the school to distract my attention from her. Those three hours were tensed for me as I was continuously worrying for her. Lots of questions kept coming to my mind –“would she still be crying?”,“would she understand that mumma-papa will come to pick her up?”,“what her teachers would do to pacify her?”
I, however, consoled myself because I knew that this new change is going to be good for her. When we reached to school to pick her up, we couldn’t hear anyone’s cry but when Gianna looked at me, she started crying again thinking that the people (teachers) over there are not letting us meet and she would never going to see us again. On our turn she came to me and we hugged each other. She calmed down and slept while coming home.
It’s been a week now, and despite of having all her favorite activities, Gianna still doesn’t show any interest in going to school. I hope and pray that she soon starts taking interest in going to school and enjoying new friends and teachers, fun-filled activities, and play area.
We pray that every day brings her good learning for her to make her a good human being.
Through her eyes –
It is always interesting to see how kids think! They live in their own world of imagination where any object can take any form and where their playmates are their plush toys.
1. Nothing could be better than using this mic for my singing!
2. Hello dada! “main theek hun, tum kaise ho?”
3. This popsicle tastes better than any other!
4. This umbrella should be good enough to protect me from rain.
5. “….and bingo was his name ooooo….”This is one song that Gianna likes to play on her creative set of cookie box as a drum and crayons as sticks.
6. Mumma don’t worry I will help you in cleaning up this mess with my vacuum cleaner.
7. I love fixing my bicycle using sporks (forks).
8. Who is sweeter? Me or my whistle!
9. I love riding my scooter with my helmet on.
10. I am a doctor.
11. Who says I can find a see-saw only in the park? I own one in my house.
12. I have Penguin feet!
13. I am a “Paaiirate”!