She is blithesome and it is a delight to watch her cute acts every moment of the day. All kids have their own unique language and a way to express their feelings. Gianna knows how to use her actions to get what she wants. Even when her vocabulary is limited to few words, I think it is incredible how a she ensures that her demands come true!
We, as grown-ups, have so many aids like speech, expressions, gestures, actions, words, etc. to communicate. But babies, who don’t even know the meaning of words, yet are able to express themselves with their countable actions and movements.

Gianna also has her own set of words which she uses to communicate with us. For instance, she calls “mum-mum” when she wants water; she says “nhai-nhai” when she wants to have bath; she says “nee-nee” when she wants me to make her sleep; she says “cakin” to cake, “bookin” to books and “bikin” to biscuits; she says “pop” when she wants us to pop off her shoes.
In all, our little girl has now become quite smart and is learning to communicate with us when she needs something done her own way.

Shoo It Away!
The other day in an Arts & Crafts shop, I was in a separate section while Shobhit and Gianna were browsing other sections together. Suddenly, I heard a loud baby-cry from a distance. I could familiarize the voice and saw that Gianna was crying aloud and Shobhit was trying to pacify her. I speed up my steps, thinking hard what could be the possible reason of her crying. Shobhit told that he just saw a big fly hovering around Gianna...Gianna was startled just by the look of that fly! I had never seen Gianna like that before. She did not want to sit on her stroller for the rest of the day, for she was so scared.
I believe that Gianna is growing as she has now started differentiating between friendly and hostile beings. She has started understanding that not everything around her is meant to be played anymore…she’s learning...and
I guess she’s learning well :)