April, a month thought to be started with pranks and making each other April fool was not so fun for us. Gianna was down with cold and fever and stayed unwell for full one week. It was a painful time for us as her parents. This was the first time when she had a very high fever. Shobhit and I were very worried but by God’s grace she recovered soon.
Gianna completed 16 months on 12-Apr-2010. She has become more curious and likes to explore things. Her ways of interacting with us has drastically changed now. She carefully examines each and everything that is in her reach. She is very fond of chandamama and loves to feed the birds every morning.
One of my very dear friends asked me as to how I feel now, after stepping into mother’s shoes?
I think, “parenting” is one of the biggest challenges in one’s life (in all good sense). One learns to be more patient, more dedicated and more observant than ever. Personally, I see myself as a much more responsible person now than what I was a couple of years back.
Everytime when one task is accomplished another comes into place (for instance, now that she has started drinking milk from glass, another tasks in pipleine are her potty training, stop making her watch you-tube while eating, introducing her to more books, introducing her to more surroundings outside the house, etc). Motherhood is like mastering a queue of numerous tasks which keep coming at different stages one after the another. I maybe careless in taking my medicines on time but am dutiful when it comes to Gianna’s. I have become more alert and watchful mentally and physically. I keep a track of Gianna’s moves, and if I don’t hear her voice for a long time than I set out to check on her. I am accountable for her do’s and dont’s. I want her to eat right and grow right. We as parents want that Gianna acquires all great qualities of her grandparents.